Friday, June 27, 2008

Microsoft-Changing the face of Gaming

I was browsing through the internet again, and came across this article in CNET. In the article, it talks about Microsoft's latest exploit, Microsoft Surface (also known as Project Milan) being used as a basis for a new virtual roulette table. Now, for those of you who don't know, I am a bit of a technophile. I feel that knowing the latest gaming technologies and how they work makes for an informed player. And an informed player is the basis for any winning strategy.

Since my goal on this blog is to help you with your games, let's talk a bit about Microsoft Surface. MS Surface is essentially a computer inside of a table top. The screen is the table top itself and it is controlled like a touch screen. But it is more than that. It can also be controlled with hand gestures, natural body motions or physical objects. This makes for some interesting possibilities. not just for roulette, but for other games as well. For instance, a game of craps could include "virtual dice" and with a Random Number Generator (RNG) and the motions of a persons arm, determine what was "rolled." The technology in the roulette game in the CNET article eliminates the need for chips. Casinos will eat this up since it will allow for faster game play and less labor.

But I see downsides faster gameplay tends to favor casinos. Also, this system runs on Windows Vista. Anyone that runs Vista know that on the whole, it sucks. Even Microsoft knows it sucks. Before it came out, Microsoft touted it as the last operating system (OS) that they would put out for a decade. They stated that all Vista would need is "updates" to increase capabilities. However, they quickly realized the mistake and have started on a new OS strategy tentatively called "Windows 7." They are even letting people who bought new computers to downgrade to Windows XP. So, I have my doubts the reliability of the new game with Vista controlling it.

All in all though, the concept is interesting and could be very profitable and it is definitely the future of gaming. If you are interested in reading more about the virtual roulette table, you can click here to get the information directly from the manufacturers site.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!

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